Your Guide to Communicating with Artificial Intelligence
Learn how to use ChatGPT and other AI tools to accomplish your goals using our free and open source curriculum, designed for all skill levels!
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Introducing The
HackAPrompt Competition
A beginner-friendly competition that will challenge you to beat 7 levels of prompt hacking defenses. Inject, leak and defeat the sandwich defense to claim your share of over $35,000 in prizes. Ready to trick the AI? Hack our prompts anytime between May 5th and June 3rd!
Proudly Sponsored by Industry-Leading AI Companies
Frequently Asked Questions
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Is this curriculum free?
Yes, it is completely free and open source. We do not charge for any of the content on this website.
Do I need to know how to code?
Nope! However, coding is a great skill to learn alongside prompt engineering. We recommend learning Python, as it is a popular language for AI and machine learning.
When is the certificate being released?
It is coming soon! Be among the first to access the certification program as soon as it launches by joining our newsletter below.
Do I need previous experience?
Nope! This course is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of prior experience.
Is prompt engineering a real job?
Yes, but most prompt engineering jobs require other skills such as coding and teaching. We prefer to view it as a skill that can be used in many different professions.
Can I help add to the site?
Yes, we are always looking for more contributors! You can find more information by clicking the contribute tab.
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